Professional Space, Esthetician, Massage, Wellness Practionioner
A Touch for Wellness - Arvada, CO
$40 an hour
Looking to rent space to two Estheticians, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Naturopaths, Makeup Artists, Reflexologists, or other wellness professionals.
You must meet all the Colorado and US requirements for your profession.
You must have your own clientele.
There are two rooms that are already furnished with massage tables, chairs, sheets, blankets, towels, tables, towel cabbies(one of which has UV), Lights, Steamer, ionic foot bath, microdermabrasion/vacuum/spray machine, implements, wax pot.
A bathroom, kitchen, washer and dryer, guest welcoming area are also in the area.
To help with marketing, there is a laminator and a printer/scanner with WiFi.
There is also a large open room for yoga, conferences, meditation, belly dancing, and anything in your imagination.
ATfW is a wellness center with several massage therapists, 1 esthetician, 1 medical aesthetician, 1 acupuncturist, and 1 reflexologist. We all have our own clientele, and sometimes we share clients or they cross over. We don't get many walk-ins, but if your were able to take them in, that would be fine as long as we confirm it around our schedules. You set your own schedule.
Rent is $400/month if we find two people. There will be a trial period of three months where you will need one of us there with you whenever you come in. After that, you will be featured on the website, facebook, and the marquis.
We use Sanitas, Cherish, and Willow Tree products, and you do not need to get your own or pay for them currently unless you are an acupunctuist or have a preference as to what massage oils you like to use. If a client wants to buy them, we sell them. We also sell several other products, like chocolate, from local businesses, with room for more.
This is a very intimate and relaxed environment. We are all very friendly and laid back, but still professional.
Please contact me, Ali, with your resume and credentials, along with a cover letter introducing yourself and letting me know why you feel you would do well here.
Job Type: Commission
Salary: $40.00 /hour
Required experience:
  • Relevant Practice: 3 years
Required license or certification:
  • All Relevant Licensing For Your Practice

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