Seeking Laser trained Esthetician Wheatridge Wellness Center

New Genesis Health Also Know As the Green Herb is a Wellness Center in Wheat Ridge Colorado located near I-70 and Kipling St. with about 20,000 customers generated over 35 years.

New Genesis Health is seeking a highly motivated Physical Therapist as well as a Laser trained Esthetician to compliment our team which currently consist of a Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Herbal Counselor and Muscle Activation Therapist.

The perfect candidate would have the following:
1)      A burning desire to create exceptional client care.
2)      An ability to accept new customers but has a current practice with some past customers and a proven track record.
3)     A desire to grow your customers via an EXCEPTIONAL long term relationship.

We have the ability to provide:
1)      Software for client records tracking.
2)      Administration support and handling of client financial transactions so you can focus on being a physical therapist instead of administration and paperwork.
3)      Our established radio program will generate consistent client flow, in house referrals from our current team, and allow for long term exposure—creating a very successful and lucrative physical therapy practice.

Please Contact Alan at 303-421-9900


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